Classrooms and Building maintenance: a. The college has physical facilitieslike classrooms, common amenities, and laboratories. The maintenance is carriedout through staff and hired caretakers to clean the whole campus. The clearingwork is done continuously throughout the working day. The plumbing, electrical,and carpenter work are employed to keep and maintain electrical and waterdrinking facilities. Institute has also appointed housekeeping staff tomaintain the gardens. b. Sports infrastructure includes Outdoor and indoorfacilities for playing events. These playfields and equipment are maintainedregularly through skilled persons and monitored by the Director of PhysicalEducation. The Gymkhana staff regularly maintain the ground by mowing thegrass, watering the dry areas, levelling the ground, marking the playfields,
pest control, edging sidewalk weekly during the growing season, and preparingground practice matches and tournaments. c. Computer laboratory: The Collegehas a well-furnished computer laboratory which is utilized for the computerskills enhancement of the students and conducting practical of the syllabuslaid down by the university. Its annual maintenance is given to the vendorthrough proper tendering methods for the care and upkeep of all the computersin college. d. The college has a CCTV Sarvelleince system, LCD projectors, EPBXsystem, internet connectivity, and air conditioners are maintained with thehelp of external agencies. e. Security staff, including ladies guards under asecurity supervisor, is employed to safeguard the girl hostel.
Women’s Hostel
Indoor Hall
Common Room
Women Redressal Cell
Carrier Counselling Cell
Student Welfare Cell
ICT Lab.
Drinking Water (RO)
First Aid Box